340,000 New Green Jobs in Public Transportation

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“On behalf of the more than 1,500 members of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA),” stated William W. Millar, President American Public Transportation Association. “I congratulate President-Elect Barack Obama on his recent announcement of support for a major economic stimulus package that includes transportation infrastructure investment. In a recent APTA survey, its members have reported that they have at least 736 public transportation projects that can be initiated within 90 days of approval of federal funding.  Worth a total of $12.2 billion, these public transportation investments would create over 340,000 green jobs for Americans and help transit systems meet the steadily growing demand for public transit services.” APTA

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John Addison

John Addison is the founder of Clean Fleet Report and continues to occasionally contribute to the publication. He is the author of Save Gas, Save the Planet and many articles at Clean Fleet Report. He has taught courses at U.C. Davis and U.C. Santa Cruz Extension and has delivered more than 1,000 speeches, workshop and moderated conference panels in more than 20 countries.

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