Hybrid Technology Separates Camry
Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD) Technology–one of the many things that separates (and puts) Toyota Camry Hybrid atop its competition. Last year, Toyota made headlines with the announcement that it has sold more than 9 million hybrids worldwide.

The Camry Hybrid operates silently with naturally quiet electric propulsion and a gasoline engine that makes acceleration smooth and linear. With its 40 mpg average fuel economy and 17-gallon tank, stops for gasoline will come few and far between.
That is classic innovation. No wonder Camry is one of the most popular cars in many parts of the world for many years running. The Toyota Camry 2016 represents a classic, yet modern car with a long history and legacy.
Great power, even better fuel efficiency
Toyota’s renowned Hybrid Synergy Drive combines its efficient engine with two intelligent motors to give you unmatched performance and efficient drives every time you drive the Hybrid.
The first motor provides a more powerful generator performance that recharges the hybrid battery while acting as starter for the gas engine. The second motor is the more powerful dive assist technology that recharges the hybrid battery through regenerative braking. It is capable of driving the wheels independently as well. This makes every stop a mini fill-up.

The Hybrid model boasts aerodynamic styling combined with a Hybrid Engine that delivers fuel economy of 5.2L/100km. It also features a unique ECO Mode, which intelligently controls throttle inputs and optimizes the air conditioning system for improved fuel economy that doesn’t skimp on power or comfortable driving.
The Camry Hybrid achieves this by mixing power from its gasoline and electric sources flawlessly.
To know what’s going on with the hybrid drivetrain, you simply need to watch a power animation on the dashboard LCD. Braking the Camry Hybrid is nothing short of impressive.
With its amazing fuel economy, power and a wide range of comfort and convenience features, the Camry Hybrid easily makes for a practical choice among midsize hybrids.