When Should You Speak to a Car Accident Attorney?
Know When It’s Time To Call in an Advocate
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One of the most stressful incidents is being involved in an auto accident. As an accident victim, you’ve got numerous things to worry about, including:
- Medical expenses
- Property damage
- Insurance companies
- Loss of income and work
- Pain and suffering
Since you’re concerned about these things, the thought of talking to an attorney may never be considered or might be forgotten completely. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, you need to do two important things; seek medical attention and contact a reputable attonrey, for instance, speak to an Atlanta car accident attorney.
An experienced auto accident lawyer will negotiate with insurance companies and fight for you legally to ensure you receive fair compensation. This article is crafted to help you know when you should speak to a car accident attorney. Keep reading to discover more.
When Should You Speak to an Auto Accident Attorney?

After a serious automobile accident, you’re often left to deal with severe injuries and increasing medical bills. On the one hand, insurance service providers want to offer you a lowball settlement that’s only a fraction of what you need to recover. These insurance service providers don’t have your best interest in mind. They only think of their stakeholders and minimize their liabilities as much as possible. In most cases, they’ll pressure you into signing a settlement quickly, ensuring you end up with less compensation than you require to cover your property losses and personal injuries.
After the accident, seconds started counting to form minutes, hours, days, weeks and months. That means a countdown to your first financial hit from the following:
- Personal injuries
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of property
- Missed paychecks
When your first medical bill comes in, it’ll not be the last one. Within a very short period, you could find yourself with a huge financial problem that you don’t know where to start solving. That’s why it’s vital to speak to an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible after the accident.
What Kind of Lawyer Should You Speak to?
Not just any attorney will help you with your automobile accident. Ideally, you need a knowledgeable legal expert with many years of experience, a proven track record and one who is easy to speak to. Below you’ll find everything you need to remember when you’re looking for a car accident attorney to find the right one.
- Most of the lawsuits they deal with are car accident cases
- They’ve got a minimum of 10 years of experience working in the personal injury field
- They provide free consultation, and they do it in person at locations convenient to you or their offices
- They take you seriously, and they can connect you to other experts, like medical professionals
- They’re caring, listen to you, and note every detail you give them
- They’ll receive payment from you once the lawsuit journey is over
Be sure to speak to a car accident attorney immediately after seeking medical treatment, as you’ll nurse your injuries, pain and suffering knowing that everything is being taken care of by an expert.
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