Connected Mobility

Traffic Congestion

Top 10 Worst Traffic Cities; They Need Congestion-Pricing/Zero Emission Travel

Vehicle congestion in the 10 large cities in the U.S. is costing drivers and the economy money and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. It doesn’t look much better in medium size cities and predictions are it won’t get any better as the economy improves. In Top 10 most congested cities it is likely that plug-in vehicles will get special privileges and access to reduce CO2 while other vehicles are charged.

More Smiles, Less Miles

Now you can hear John Addison’s presentation to the American Planning Association (APA). Planners, government leaders, and engaged citizens can create vibrant and sustainable communities with intermodal transportation that includes rail, bus rapid transit, last miles solutions to make transit accessible, car and bike sharing, electric and high mileage cars, smart growth that invites walking and easy access to merchants and services.