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John Addison is the founder of Clean Fleet Report and continues to occasionally contribute to the publication. He is the author of Save Gas, Save the Planet and many articles at Clean Fleet Report. He has taught courses at U.C. Davis and U.C. Santa Cruz Extension and has delivered more than 1,000 speeches, workshop and moderated conference panels in more than 20 countries.

John Addison

Mitsubishi i Test Drive – Best Electric Car starting at $29,125

Mitsubishi has sold more electric cars than Nissan and more than Chevrolet. I can see why as I test-drive the Mitsubishi I all over Monterey. I glide in stealth mode in city stop-go traffic. I accelerate around a slow poke faster than in the Think EV. When I turn, the stability is solid. It climbs a 16 percent grade with remarkable ease. Before tax incentives, this city electric car is likely to price below $29,900, making EVs available to an expanding market.

Diesel – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Over half of all car sales in Europe use diesel engines not gasoline. Diesel fuel contains more energy per gallon than does gasoline. Diesel engines are far more efficient than gasoline. Should your next car be a hybrid or a diesel? The answer depends on the type of driving you do and if you want a car, truck, SUV, or minivan. Why not have the best of both with a hybrid diesel?

2011 Toyota Prius V

Japan’s Crisis Hurts Sales of Hybrid Cars and Electric Cars

The people of Japan are courageously moving forward after the devastation of a 9.0 earthquake, a tsunami that ripped apart buildings and roads, and a nuclear crisis that now threatens their food and water. Just when gasoline prices are rising and Japanese hybrid cars are again hot sellers, the crisis is making hybrids and new electric cars tough to get. Let’s look at the impact on three big sellers of hybrids and electrics.

Proximity Charging Google’s Electric Cars

Google is now showing us how to charge hands-free. No plug. No cord. Using Evatran Plugless Power’s inductive charging system, one of Google’s maintenance short-range EVs parks in close proximity of the charger and charging begins. Google is also conducting other important pilots including testing the new Toyota Prius Plug-in, not a conversion, but the 2012 model from Toyota. Soon, Google will be testing the Honda Fit Electric and other plug-in cars. Several Google founders drive Tesla Roadsters.

Hybrids – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Millions of hybrids are now on the road, saving fuel and making driving more pleasant. Most cars are only powered by an internal combustion engine fueled with gasoline. Electric vehicles are powered by electric motors that are often three times more efficient than a gasoline engine. Hybrid technology is improving the fuel economy of some SUVs. The Ford Escape Hybrid, for example, offers over 30 miles per gallon.

Safer than Nuclear – Renewable Energy, Natural Gas, Energy Efficiency

As nations around the world rethink their plans for nuclear energy, better alternatives are seen in energy efficiency, renewable energy, natural gas, smart grid, and intelligent energy management. Clean Edge research projects wind power to expand from $60.5 billion in 2010 to $122.9 billion by 2020, and solar to expand from $71.2 billion to $113.6 billion by 2020.

Toyota Prius c hybrid

10 Hybrid Cars with Best Miles per Gallon

New hybrid cars can save you thousands of dollars in gasoline over the years that you drive. The Toyota Prius Liftback and new Prius c continue to top the list at 50 mpg. There is now a Prius Family (Prii) including the new Prius V SUV. Lexus and Lincoln battle for luxury hybrid leadership. Hybrid buyers have growing choices in sedans, hatchbacks, sports cars, and new crossovers with the room of small SUVs. This year’s top 10 all deliver 40 mpg or better in combined highway and street driving.

The Circle of Life – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

There is no one correct answer for the best vehicle, or even type of vehicle, to best save gas and save the planet. People have different needs at different times of their life, and different driving conditions. Michael enjoyed living car-free when he went to the university but love, marriage, and parenthood meant getting a car. When the children are grown, Michael and Beth plan to return to one vehicle.

China is New World Leader in Wind Energy

The world has reached a major milestone in clean energy with wind power capacity now at 200 GW. Half of the added wind capacity took place in one country – China. Now the leaders of that nation convene to architect a new five-year plan. Wind power growth supported by a super grid will be part of that plan.

Your Next Vehicle – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Many Americans are interested in ending the ridiculous amounts of money they spend at the pump. If all the vehicles are gas guzzlers, this is a great time to replace one. In the United States, there is tremendous innovation in plug-in hybrid technology, electric drive systems, advanced batteries, and fuel cells. Fortunately, there are many solutions.