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John Addison is the founder of Clean Fleet Report and continues to occasionally contribute to the publication. He is the author of Save Gas, Save the Planet and many articles at Clean Fleet Report. He has taught courses at U.C. Davis and U.C. Santa Cruz Extension and has delivered more than 1,000 speeches, workshop and moderated conference panels in more than 20 countries.

John Addison

Smiles per Gallon – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

The Eubank family was interested in replacing one of their SUVs with a fuel-efficient car. A typical SUV in the United States produces about 12 tons of CO2 emissions per year; a fuel-efficient hybrid only one-third that amount. Safety and storage were major concerns in their decision. Without sacrificing safety or vehicle needs, the Eubanks now live in better harmony with their values about energy security and being environmentally friendly.

LED Car Lights – Your Bright and Efficient Car

In a car, energy efficient lighting results in better miles per gallon. In an electric car, less electricity demand on the battery pack can result in greater range per charge. LED lighting was first used inside the car for dashboard displays. Now LED lighting backlights the navigation display for the driver and the entertainment system displays for the passengers. The Nissan LEAF uses LED lighting both inside and out. The headlights are LED. The new Tesla Model S will offer a 17-inch touch display with LED backlighting for the driver.

GM seeks to Lower Lithium Battery Prices by Investing in Envia Systems

General Motors with its Chevrolet Volt currently has the lead over Nissan, Ford, and others in delivering electric cars. The Volt is the first of many models in GM’s future. To advance its lithium batteries, GM Ventures invested $7 million in Envia Systems to provide GM’s battery engineering team with access to advanced lithium-ion cathode technology that delivers higher cell energy density and lower cost.

You Can Make a Difference – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

You can make a difference. The first chapters of Save Gas, Save the Planet will help you consider what you want in your next car. There are also many ways to reduce miles and improve fuel economy with your current car. Your actions and your words will influence more people than you expect. None of these are all-or-nothing ideas. Consider realistic improvements for yourself, your family, your friends, and your community.

Cracking the Carbon Code: The Key to Sustainable Profits in the New Economy

In his new book, Cracking the Carbon Code, Terry Tamminen shows us how a sustainable future is being created. He gives us an inside look based on his strategic meetings with President Obama, governors of red and blue states, and even the formation of the next five year plan for China. Tamminen removes the mystery of Cracking the Carbon Code in one fascinating story after another as we follow the actions of corporate, government, and NGO leaders from California to China and from the United States to the UK.

Oil Price Soars – Electric Car Sales Zoom

People dance in the streets of Cairo. A dictator has fallen. For a few months, Constitutional rights are suspended, but a new election is promised. In recent weeks, a world dependent on oil has watched to see if a cascade of Mideast unrest would stop the flow of petroleum necessary for gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Fortunately, as oil prices rise, lithium battery prices fall. Ford forecasts that by 2020, ten to 25 percent of its car sales will include lithium batteries and electric motors.

Honda Fit Hybrid Challenges Toyota Prius Leadership

In January, the Honda Fit outsold the Prius in Japan. Prius had been the number one selling car in Japan for 20 months. Half of the Fits sold were the new Fit Hybrid, which delivers a stunning 71 miles per gallon (MPG). In 2012, both the Fit Hybrid and new Fit EV are expected to start selling in the U.S. Honda is wise to expand its popular Fit into a family that includes a larger wagon, a 71-mpg hybrid, and an exciting electric car with the potential to become the EV price leader.

New Technology for the Future of General Motors

GM Ventures has invested in Bright Automotive and two next generation biofuel corporations – Mascoma and Coskata. In one decade, transportation will be very different from today. With GM Ventures, General Motors is positioned to invest, integrate, and deliver to global customers better cars and services that include innovations in cleantech, infotainment, materials, autonomous driving, and new business models.

Electric Car Charging Stations – California Adds 2,780 in Bay Area

In 1990, the San Francisco Bay Area was home to 6 million people. By 2050, it will be home to 9 million yet the air will be cleaner and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will be reduced. Electric car buying will accelerate with 2,750 chargers in Bay Area residences, as well as a fast charger program that that seeks to deploy 30 fast chargers for public use at key transportation corridor sites in the region.

Magical Solutions – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

We want to believe in magic but unfortunately, there is no one magical solution. Save Gas, Save the Planet captures over 120 different ways that people are making a difference by riding clean, riding together, and riding less. As you read Save Gas, Save the Planet, you will discover a number of ways to burn less fuel without needing a new car. When, and if, you are ready for a new car, you will make a better choice.