Clean Fleet Articles

14 Ways that Solar Power Costs will Decrease Sharply

In this decade, installed solar will drop to half its current cost. Such cost reductions will take more than lower costs of silicon panels and thin-film. Process, policy, right size, right place, interconnects, hybrid systems, and market solutions are now key for cost reduction. With progress in these 14 areas solar costs will approach grid parity in more locations.

China Plans 220,000 EV Charge Points and 2,351 Battery Switch Stations

China leads the world with over 100 million riding e-scooters, e-bikes, and light-electric vehicles. By December 2015, China plans to have 500,000 electric vehicles that can travel slow streets to fast highways. Those EV will be supported with 220,000 charge points and 2,351 battery swap stations in the nation’s latest plans. China’s 12th Five Year Plan is summarized in a new Deutsche Bank (DB) report.

Congress Tries to Cripple EPA

Although the attempt of Congress to cripple the EPA may help short-term profits of oil and coal companies, such action would damage companies benefitting from clean transportation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Hybrid and electric car sales would be hurt. As the Senate and House gear up to vote today and tomorrow on measures to block EPA from updating its health protections, NRDC gives this testimony to the House Oversight and Investigations Committee.

It’s Time to Lose Weight – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Americans spend an extra $3 billion on fuel because vehicles are heavier than they were in 1960. Cars need to go on a diet. Vehicles can be better designed. Minor reductions in weight and drag can improve fuel economy up to 50 percent for a cost of a couple of hundred bucks. With the growing use of aluminum, composite materials, and aerodynamic design, we will see diesel cars delivering 100 miles per gallon and more if they are hybrid.

National Clean Fleets Partnership Saves 7 Million Gallons Fuel

AT&T, FedEx, PepsiCo, UPS and Verizon – Partnership Charter Members – announced plans to save 7 million gallons of diesel and gasoline fuel by deploying 20,000 advanced technology vehicles including hybrid and electric trucks. These charter members represent five of the nation’s 10 largest national fleets and collectively own and operate more than 275,000 vehicles.

Mitsubishi i Test Drive – Best Electric Car starting at $29,125

Mitsubishi has sold more electric cars than Nissan and more than Chevrolet. I can see why as I test-drive the Mitsubishi I all over Monterey. I glide in stealth mode in city stop-go traffic. I accelerate around a slow poke faster than in the Think EV. When I turn, the stability is solid. It climbs a 16 percent grade with remarkable ease. Before tax incentives, this city electric car is likely to price below $29,900, making EVs available to an expanding market.

Diesel – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Over half of all car sales in Europe use diesel engines not gasoline. Diesel fuel contains more energy per gallon than does gasoline. Diesel engines are far more efficient than gasoline. Should your next car be a hybrid or a diesel? The answer depends on the type of driving you do and if you want a car, truck, SUV, or minivan. Why not have the best of both with a hybrid diesel?

2011 Toyota Prius V

Japan’s Crisis Hurts Sales of Hybrid Cars and Electric Cars

The people of Japan are courageously moving forward after the devastation of a 9.0 earthquake, a tsunami that ripped apart buildings and roads, and a nuclear crisis that now threatens their food and water. Just when gasoline prices are rising and Japanese hybrid cars are again hot sellers, the crisis is making hybrids and new electric cars tough to get. Let’s look at the impact on three big sellers of hybrids and electrics.