Fuel economy

It’s Time to Lose Weight – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Americans spend an extra $3 billion on fuel because vehicles are heavier than they were in 1960. Cars need to go on a diet. Vehicles can be better designed. Minor reductions in weight and drag can improve fuel economy up to 50 percent for a cost of a couple of hundred bucks. With the growing use of aluminum, composite materials, and aerodynamic design, we will see diesel cars delivering 100 miles per gallon and more if they are hybrid.

Diesel – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Over half of all car sales in Europe use diesel engines not gasoline. Diesel fuel contains more energy per gallon than does gasoline. Diesel engines are far more efficient than gasoline. Should your next car be a hybrid or a diesel? The answer depends on the type of driving you do and if you want a car, truck, SUV, or minivan. Why not have the best of both with a hybrid diesel?

The Circle of Life – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

There is no one correct answer for the best vehicle, or even type of vehicle, to best save gas and save the planet. People have different needs at different times of their life, and different driving conditions. Michael enjoyed living car-free when he went to the university but love, marriage, and parenthood meant getting a car. When the children are grown, Michael and Beth plan to return to one vehicle.

Your Next Vehicle – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

Many Americans are interested in ending the ridiculous amounts of money they spend at the pump. If all the vehicles are gas guzzlers, this is a great time to replace one. In the United States, there is tremendous innovation in plug-in hybrid technology, electric drive systems, advanced batteries, and fuel cells. Fortunately, there are many solutions.

Smiles per Gallon – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

The Eubank family was interested in replacing one of their SUVs with a fuel-efficient car. A typical SUV in the United States produces about 12 tons of CO2 emissions per year; a fuel-efficient hybrid only one-third that amount. Safety and storage were major concerns in their decision. Without sacrificing safety or vehicle needs, the Eubanks now live in better harmony with their values about energy security and being environmentally friendly.

You Can Make a Difference – Save Gas, Save The Planet Excerpt

You can make a difference. The first chapters of Save Gas, Save the Planet will help you consider what you want in your next car. There are also many ways to reduce miles and improve fuel economy with your current car. Your actions and your words will influence more people than you expect. None of these are all-or-nothing ideas. Consider realistic improvements for yourself, your family, your friends, and your community.

New Ford Focus EcoMode – Up to 24 Percent Better MPG

New Ford Focus owners can tune-up driving skills that maximize their miles per gallon – and they can have a little fun in the process. EcoMode is a handy software application aimed at helping coach customers in the art of eco-driving – and then rewards those that practice more fuel-efficient driving skills with in-car kudos displayed on the instrument cluster. The new Ford Focus Electric is expected to have a range of about 100 miles per charge. EcoMode can greatly help people get better range. Those buying new gasoline powered Focus can save hundreds of dollars at the pump each year.

Americans Use Aftermarket Products to Fight Rising Gas Prices

In the past few months, oil prices have soared from $32 to over $70 per barrel. This creates an opportunity for a variety of fuel saving aftermarket products. Aftermarket products and service is big business. In 2007, aftermarket product U.S. sales were $285.5 billion. Sales in the automotive aftermarket (cars and light trucks) totaled $211.4 billion and sales in the heavy duty vehicle aftermarket totaled $74.1 billion.