electric car

Personal: Two Years with My Chevrolet Bolt EV

After two years, the three things that stand out about my Chevrolet Bolt EV are: 1. It’s done exactly what I wanted, with virtually no problems, 2. Time has flown, and 3. I really do love my car.

Tech: Electric Car Charging–A Primer

Practice safety and precaution when charging up, at home or in public charging stations. Even though electric cars are safer than liquid fuel vehicles, you should still be careful and respect other car owners.

GM’s Maven Moves into the Gig Economy with Bolt EVs

Maven, which has the three-pronged mission of creating a car-sharing service (for cities, residential communities or commercial entities) while also developing what it calls a “mobility platform” (Maven Gig) that provides short-term car rentals to individuals engaged in the new gig economy.